The Overseas School of Colombo, is the oldest international school in Sri Lanka, and the only IB world school in the country. We do not only hold steadfast our mission, vision and values, embodying them as the nucleus of our existence and function, we also instill excellence in holistic education. At OSC we nestle and nurture everyone who is part and parcel of our unique ecosystem inspiring them to thrive. We take irrefutable stock in meaningful engagement and in purposefully empowering each other to always strive towards conceiving a community that intertwines unity, diversity, camaraderie and to work passionately in unison to forge a more sustainable society with future leaders and trailblazer denizens who will enact positive change.
Whilst key education disciplines lie at the epicenter of our academic goals, holistic learning is the fulcrum upon which we hone our students from promising acorns to momentous oaks. We avail authentic opportunities comprising of learning, sports, music, theatre, social skills enhancement and networking, art and more. It’s an all-encompassing experience that inspires our entire OSC family to aspire to reach towards the epitome of success, while ingraining unequivocal community spirit and achieving a healthy balance in life.
However, what separates The Overseas School of Colombo from other educational institutions is our unique cultural fabric. We have a close knit, open and welcoming community ranging from our multi-national culturally diverse base of attending and alumni students who are the heart and soul of our alma mater, to the valued human capital element that are the brains and fortifications guiding and imparting life lessons and wisdom, and our wonderful network of parent volunteers who are a quintessential component in our overall ecosystem - completing the community. The valuable sum of the parts that contribute to making the invaluable whole.
Our community focuses on activities, events and programs that are vital and extend both in and beyond the classroom. We embrace our diversity, our ability to enrich one another in all aspects of the OSC experience by igniting passion and purpose, to build a stronger bond between the students, teachers and parents who are the intrinsic links of a greater intricate chain.
Our staff are committed to excellence. They are composed of 63 of the finest, experienced and most qualified educators from across the globe; who are themselves motivated and driven to interact, engage and empower our students to become rich with knowledge and skills, to harness inspiration to innovate and be creative, to become critical thinkers who are complex problem solvers, calculating risk takers, diligent communicators and finally evolving characters with depth, substance and wisdom - never limiting the scope of any student's true potential to be a success story based solely on their heritage, status or backgrounds, rather motivating them to earn respect for themselves, harness individuality and always be something more.
Education is not the filling of a pot but the lighting of a fire.
W.B. Yeats
Our educators are committed to shaping youngsters ripe with capabilities into future leaders espousing virtues and values, that are empathic, conscionable youngsters who grow in stature, acuity and aptitude into socially dutiful citizens who will one fine day leave their mark on the world, wherever they are, well remembered for having made it a better, safer and richer planet. Bastions of today, beacons of tomorrow.
Change is the end result of all true learning.
Joe Buscaglia
Students welcoming and embracing other students as part of their community and being instantly inclusive is truly a rare thing indeed. Yet at OSC with over 400 students, from over 40 nationalities one of the most astonishing characteristics that makes our student community different from others, rich in diversity and exceptional in its uniqueness is the uncanny spirit of fellowship, companionship and amiability afforded to each other.
We are an academic abode to a transitionary population of foreign students, but also sport a steadfast community of students of international and domestic heritage based in the country who are all agents of learning, championed in embracing differences, accepting diversity and indoctrinating values, experienced within an environment which offers academic finesse as well as a multifaceted landscape facilitating a myriad of life lessons.
“The only source of knowledge is experience.
Albert Einstein
The parents within our close-knit community are our partners on the collective path of progress. We encourage a parent-school partnership with meaningful contributions. Ours is a highly interactive, personally involved, communally vigilant, supportive parent community who are as much an integral part of our culture as the educators and students. The parents comprise of an active School Community Network (SCN), a multi-culturally diverse parent volunteer group that endeavors to enliven and enrich the experience of the OSC community. Whether it be organizing the Annual Food and Fun Fair, the United Nations Day Celebration or Field Trips to operating the school’s mascot inspired Blue Gecko Café – the SCN promotes a sense of belonging and welcoming all other parents, cultivating hospitality and warmth, integrating with our staff and students to develop camaraderie and never forgetting to celebrate tradition, a global mindset and multi-culturalism.